Trouble resetting your password? The new password must be at least six characters long and meet three of the four qualifications listed below: ? A lower case letter (a, j, r, etc.) ? An upper case letter (A, J, R, etc.) ? A number (3, 7, 1, etc.) ? A symbol (@, %, &, etc.)
Trouble logging into Infinite Campus Parent Portal? For existing accounts - please verify user name and password. (Passwords are case sensitive.) Users can request to receive their forgotten username up to 5 times per day. On the sixth try, the user will be locked out of their account and will need to wait until the next day to try again. All usernames associated with the email address entered will be listed in the email. To create a new Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account - Parent Portal letters, containing activation keys, are provided by the students? school. Please visit the school to obtain the activation letter.
For more information please review this documentation: